Final year university Collaborative project
During my final third year collaborative project at Staffordshire University London I worked as a Senior Tech on 'Super Dino Escape' with fellow students from the London & Stoke campus, which again helped me adept my skills to work remotely with others using a hybrid system.
I worked on the tech side of the game so I was creating iterations of our lava and checkpoint mechanic along with player death and respawning functionality and made enemy AI which consisted of a Toy solider and Caveman and the 3D main menu user interface.
During my final third year collaborative project at Staffordshire University London I worked as a Senior Tech on 'Super Dino Escape' with fellow students from the London & Stoke campus, which again helped me adept my skills to work remotely with others using a hybrid system.
I worked on the tech side of the game so I was creating iterations of our lava and checkpoint mechanic along with player death and respawning functionality and made enemy AI which consisted of a Toy solider and Caveman and the 3D main menu user interface.
Below are are in game screenshots, a trailer and some example blueprints!

Super Dino Escape Trailer
Blueprint examples
Rising Lava and Checkpoints
This blueprint controls the pausing and unpausing of my lava & restart time
In the rising lava blueprint this applies the damage to the playercharacter actor which is the own damageable actor
This is my checkpoint blueprint which controls the pausing and pausing of the lava and setting the players new spawn
This is the first iteration of the Rising Lava blueprint which controls the pausing of lava & location
Caveman enemy