Project Morpheus is a serious game project I worked on in my final year of university, which is where I delved into creating an educational moon game where the player must explore the moon to find facts about the moon while having to survive with oxygen which can only be replenished with oxygen tanks!

Project Morpheus Trailer

Blueprint examples
This is my 'Facts Manager' blueprint which stores how many facts are needed & displays the finished win state widget when you collect all the facts needed.
This is my 'Facts Manager' blueprint which stores how many facts are needed & displays the finished win state widget when you collect all the facts needed.
This is where I create the Health & Oygen masked material
This is where I create the Health & Oygen masked material
Oxygen pickup which restores players oxygen
Oxygen pickup which restores players oxygen
Oxygen Timer manager, which will deplete the players oxygen every second
Oxygen Timer manager, which will deplete the players oxygen every second
Oxygen warning applies a blur and remove the players oxygen when they leave the play zone
Oxygen warning applies a blur and remove the players oxygen when they leave the play zone
Health ticking down
Health ticking down
Oxygen ticking down
Oxygen ticking down
Collecting facts mechanic
Collecting facts mechanic
Warning popup & blur
Warning popup & blur

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